The Cannabis Gardener

The Cannabis Gardener cover
“If plants have IQ, cannabis is a genius. This lovely and practical book gracefully describes how to cultivate, support, encourage, and manifest the genius of this remarkable plant.”
David E. Presti, professor of neurobiology and psychology, University of California, Berkeley, and author of Foundational Concepts in Neuroscience: A Brain-Mind Odyssey
“Penny Barthel strikes the perfect blend of science and beauty in this most approachable guide to growing cannabis in the garden. Your hand will be held from start to glorious (vanilla bean-infused gummy) finish.”
Johanna Silver, author of Growing Weed in the Garden
“The Cannabis Gardener is a bounty of knowledge on how to grow, harvest, and cure the cannabis plant. An essential addition to any weed enthusiast’s collection, Barthel walks readers through the entire process from seed to consumption. Her passion for cultivation and tips on how to successfully grow cannabis ensure home gardeners a rewarding harvest plus key infusions for edible makers.”

Vanessa Lavorato, Chopped 420 Judge and Owner of Marigold Sweets